Today is going to be super fun, we are visiting the Fujiko F. Fujio Museum, aka the author of Doraemon!!
I am sooo excited, we are up bright and early, the sun is out, and we're ready to go 😍😍😍.
First Stop : Fujiko F. Fujio Museum 藤子 F. 不二雄 ミュジアム
We took the train to Noborito station, and there is a shuttle bus taking visitors to and from the museum, so it is very convenient.

All aboard the shuttle bus!
Everything about this bus screams Doraemon, the handles, the stop button, made me even more hyped. How cute :D
A short ride later, we have arrived~

I forgot to take a picture of the building but I noticed the brick walls on the outside has many small Doraemon faces on them.

Before you head into the exhibitions, the front counter will give each person a self touring device. All you have to do is type in the number shown at each particular exhibition, and they will give you a short guide in the language you choose.
The first floor and half of the second floor are areas where you are prohibited to take photos. There are original manuscripts and drawings by the author. Apart from that, you can take as many photos as you want!
The second floor after you leave the exhibitions is an open spaced multi-media area. Theres a mini theatre, a kids play area, games area, and a manga area.
If you have a lot of time, it would be nice to relax here and read mangas with Doraemon, they have the entire series of the manga for visitors to enjoy!

oh hi!
In the middle of this space are a couple of gacha machines and this gadget...

It's the moshimo telephone booth (もしもボックス)!
This is pretty common, you should know what its function is if you are a fan of this manga.
I love how all the gadgets we see here are life-sized, which just makes them look and feel even more realistic.
And shall I mention again, the DETAILS!

the water fountain art

Even this sign is made up of characters from the manga...
When we finished checking out all the exhibitions, it was around noon, so we headed over to the museum cafe on the 3rd floor for some lunch!
We had a seat beside the windows, so we could clearly see the model statues from the manga sitting outside the sky garden.
The menu selections are pretty wide, there should be something for everyone.
We ordered a Japanese gratin doria, a kitsune ramen and of course, a cup of cafe latte for the cute character latte art!
The minestrone soup that came with the meal had Doraemon inspired pasta.

The latte art designs are completely random, so it could be any of the 9 characters shown in the picture. My favourites were Doraemon and Dorami, and that was what we got!

The more you drink, something reveals itself from the "waters"...

It's handsome Gian! Its the gadget from one of the stories in the manga, kikori no izumi (きこりの泉). Similar to that fairy tale where a lumberjack dropped his old axe into a lake, and a fairy revealed itself with a gold and silver axe asking him which one was the one he dropped. It was a honesty test.

On the side of the cup is this handsome and nice Gian hahah.
There is actually a life-sized model of this gadget and Gian as well outside on the second floor, but the door was locked so we couldn't go out and visit. :(
While we were enjoying our meal, the weather changed drastically and it started pouring rain, then it started... hailing!? It was pretty windy as well, how lucky are we to see hail in Japan at the end of May? lol

things got pretty crazyyy
After awhile things started to cool down, and the sun came out again. LOL what is happening
We were done our meals, and there were not many people outside since it was still a bit wet. This was the perfect opportunity to avoid the crowds, so we quickly paid and headed out.
There are a couple of "attractions" here on the sky garden, the first one we stumbled upon is Piisuke from the movie Nobita's Dinosaur (のび太の恐竜).

Now if only I could sit on you too and join the gang...
Next up, the dokodemo door!! One of my favourites ♥

Take me anywhereee
Then theres the empty lot and the pipes where the kids always play. Doraemon is here too!

How cute!
I think the whole time here, the Doraemon theme song is just singing on repeat nonstop in my head...
so uh I'll just leave this here... loool
🎶 あんあんあん、とても大好き、ドラえもん~
Around the corner there is also Dorami, and other characters from other mangas such as Obake no Q-taro, and Perman.
Needless to say there is a gift shop. A small food gift shop is right outside the cafe, and a goods shop on the first floor on the way out of the museum.

Can you believe, even the plastic bags are cute and stylish haha!
Sadly I forgot to take individual pictures of the things I got from the gift shop.. but I will leave a picture of all my purchases in the next blog :)
It's time to say goodbye to this wonderful Doraemon land!

Second/Last Stop : First Avenue Tokyo Station
Tokyo's Train routes are seriously the most confusing ones I've ever seen.

I don't know how your'e supposed to differentiate each line...
But anywho, we are shopping around the Tokyo station underground street. It is quite big, might take a few hours to walk around.

It is pretty much a small shopping mall right under Tokyo station, there are restaurants, cafes, clothing shops, snack shops, cartoon character shops and many more!
I highly recommend visiting here, just go and see for yourself.
Another thing you cannot miss out are the eki bentos sold at the train stations. They are what you would usually buy to eat on the trains, they are easy to find, and very tasty.
There were many many options, but we settled for the no.2 and no.3 best sellers. The one on the far right is the the Zengoku gotouchi gurume bento. In each of the small slots is a sampler of the local specialties of each prefecture. I really like this concept, being able to get a taste of every prefecture in Japan in one bento.
They even included an info sheet, stating each food and the prefecture it's from.

It was SUPER delicious, I think my favourite is the last one, the sugared taro from Saitama prefecture.
After buying these bentos on the way home, we walked over to the supermarket and bought a cake for dessert. :D
I found a matcha mont blanc, sounds very tempting!

Ahh it was the perfect way to end our meal :)
Today is the last full day staying in Japan, I'm soo sad to leave, all the food was so good, people were so nice and polite, so many things to shop, I can't bear to go home...
So for the last few hours in Tokyo tomorrow, we will make the best of it, and enjoy until the very last minute.
Stay tuned!!
DAY 4 - FUJIKO F. FUJIO Museum 藤子 F. 不二雄 ミュジアム, TOKYO STATION
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